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* Donation: PayPal will give up to $1.5M dollars in total donations and $10,000 per charity over the course of the promotion. Must use your Valid Account to complete a donation through the PayPal mobile app to PayPal Giving Fund. Ends 6/29/2020 at 11:59:59 p.m. PT or when the donation cap has been reached, whichever is earlier.

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If you are new to PayPal, you can get a $10 bonus when you sign up, link your bank account or card, and spend or send $5 by December 31, 2020. Aug 20, 2020 · Here are a few fine points about the PayPal affiliate program: You can earn maximum of $100. Your referee must use your link to sign up and receive international payments of at least US $100* within 45 days of signing up Here are the complete terms. * Donation: PayPal will give up to $1.5M dollars in total donations and $10,000 per charity over the course of the promotion.

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